Adrian Starks:
Is Loneliness, truly an epidemic on the rise across the world. What if it is impacting our lives on both a personal and business level and we are not even aware of it? What if we were to understand what truly causes loneliness and this would improve our lives to change for the better, there’ll be more energy, more productivity, more peace of mind. This could be possible and that is what we are going to learn on today’s episode.:
Adrian Starks:
Hi, my name is Adrian Starks and welcome to the purposeful live show on the champion up podcast. This podcast is for the courageous creators wanting to create a life of meaning at venture and fulfillment all while helping to make the world a better place. I’m happy you’re here and if you’re new to our show, make sure to give us a five star rating and subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes. Also connect with us on Facebook and Instagram at champion up. It is always that one idea that could be your breakthrough. It’s time to step into your courage and believe the champion in you.:
Adrian Starks:
Well. Welcome back to another powerful episode on the purposeful life show on the champion up podcast. I am your host and my name is Adrian Starks and I’m excited to get this show started and get it on the road, but before we do that, give us that five star rating and subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out on the amazing content coming to you weekly. Go to the APP store, type in the word champion up to get that free champion of APP for download. Today’s a very special episode. We’re going to talk about loneliness in this busy world and yes, loneliness is a concern right now. We have a specialist on the show named Michelle Falcone. Michelle is going to help us learn a little bit more about that and what we can do to help ourselves when we start to feel alone and feel like there’s nothing really going in our direction. Michelle, can you say hello to our audience today?:
Hello everyone. I’m so, it’s so wonderful to be here with you.:
Adrian Starks:
Well, we’re excited to have you here, Michelle, and a little bit here about Michelle. Michelle Falcone is a life and business coach who believes in the potential of human being and is committed to helping those that she works with to obtain a life they love. Michelle is expertly trained in the areas of self awareness, relationships, and shadow work. As an entrepreneur, she has built several successful businesses on the foundation of strong relationships and empowering others. Michelle’s most recent venture involves the development of the connection APP an APP designed to help people develop healthy relationship habits leading to a greater trust and intimacy. Above all else, Michelle is a proud mother and a divine feminine leader on a mission to make a difference in the world. Michelle, welcome to the show today.:
Thank you, Adrian. It’s an honor to be here with you.:
Adrian Starks:
Well, we’re so excited to have you here. We want to learn a little bit more about loneliness in this world and what we can do to improve our lives, but before we do that, can you let our audience know a little bit more about what you do?:
Yes. Well, I’m a life coach and business coach and I have a private practice. What that looks like is, I work with my clients to really get clear on what they want and then we identify what’s getting in the way. So it’s looking at where you are in your life and where it is that you want to be. And then we identify what it is that’s getting in the way. We really look at the discrepancy between where you are now and where you want to be, which happens to be what we call discontent when someone’s at a certain place in their life and they want to be over here, but there’s a space in between.:
Adrian Starks:
And so you help them create the steps between those spaces. Michelle, what inspired you to want to do this kind of work?:
Well, I believe I’ve always been doing this kind of work. I think it’s my soul’s purpose. Um, so yeah, I just have always, through everything that I’ve done, Adrian, it’s always been about people, relationships and people. And I’ve always had this gift of being able to see past behavior, past, you know, fear, things that get in the way for all of us and the people’s true potential. And just really believe, um, what people are capable of, you know, the possibilities for them and empower that and really support them to be their best selves. And as an entrepreneur and you know, having many employees and managing large staffs and throwing in, developing businesses along the way, I just really identified with them myself that this was my strength and this is what I truly love to do. So about 10 years ago, I went through huge transformation myself and um, you know, just came to this place that I wanted to make my career doing and practicing what I absolutely loved, which was supporting people to reach their full potential.:
So it led me down the path of becoming a life and business coach. And I did, you know, I just did so much work on myself, which then led me to training, um, at the Ford Institute where I met My, I’ll refer to them as my family. Um, you know, when you just meet that group of like-minded people where you just know you fit and you’re meant to be.:
Adrian Starks:
I know that feeling. Yeah.:
That’s what the Fordham Institute was for me. And so that’s why I’ve got my certification in integrative coaching and shadow work. And then I, you know, I just went from there. I started my practice and um, gosh, it’s just been, it’s been a ride.:
Adrian Starks:
Speaking of ride, you know, Michelle, you’re so successful at what you do. We mentioned earlier in your bio about creating several successful businesses. So for someone looking to get into the business of creating a business of what they love, what is one of the biggest steps you think they should take?:
The first thing is, is getting really clear on what it is that you want and what you want to create. Clarity is so powerful. So getting clear on what you want to create. Yeah, just really clear on it, you know, it makes it simple when you just have that clarity on exactly what it is that you want to create and why, really identifying why. And then secondly, it’s about creating the plan and having the support around you.:
Adrian Starks:
Creating the plan and having the support around you and the support is something we’re going to get into next. And speaking of support, Michelle, you’re always creating amazing things. This is why I consider you a courageous creator. I want you on the show because you’re always learning. You’re always finding a way to really provide services to people from your heart. And that is so empowering and it’s so necessary for a leader such as you. So I want to talk about the connection APP that you have created help to create and that is changing so many lives. I mean people are talking about this app. So this app of connection is really necessary in a time of loneliness. So with this app, what does it exactly do and what is its purpose?:
Well, there’s two apps actually. There’s the connection app. So just to be clear, so there is the connection app and then the connection app for couples. Okay. Both apps are designed around core seven core connection habits. However they are, different because obviously the connection app for couples is geared towards couples and really developing healthy habits with your partner, with your intimate relationships. Whereas the connection APP, the focus is developing healthy relationship habits, um, in all areas of your life and starting with yourself because your relationship with yourself truly is the most important relationship you will ever have.:
Adrian Starks:
Ooh, I love that. That’s my light bulb moment. The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. And that seems to, for some people to be just the opposite of what they’re thinking because we’re going to talk about loneliness here in this society that we live in. And a lot of people are feeling like, well, I don’t have anyone that loves me. I’m not in a relationship, so I’m not lovable. And this leads into a lot of depression that goes on right now. So can we talk a little bit about this idea of loving yourself and knowing yourself because there seems to be this epidemic that’s rising called loneliness. What do you, what is your take on loneliness and what does it mean exactly to you?:
Well, loneliness is really being disconnected and not, so what being disconnected means is not being present, not being grounded, not being present and grounded.:
And, what’s happened is, you know, in this modern modern day life that we have, we are busier than ever. Life is full of distractions are so many choices, so many, there’s just so many options, um, which require time and looking through things, making decisions. And so we are in, in this place that we’re in our, we’re in our heads, you know, we’re in, in our heads over thinking, um, which then can lead to high stress and anxiety. And we’re not spending enough time in our hearts, which is being present,:
Adrian Starks:
Not spending enough time in our hearts, which is being present. That is a challenge for a myriad of people because what most one was think is that, well, I need to be busy. I need to be around other people. I need to be able to give myself and all my energy to all these things because then I can feel important if I’m doing a lot of different things. And so what we’re saying today is that what you’re implying is that we need to be living more in our heart to slow things down a little bit.:
Yes. You often need to slow down Adrian in order to move faster?:
Adrian Starks:
Huum? That’s a good one. I like that. Slow down so you can move faster. Oh, all right. So speaking of slowing down, let’s go back to this topic of loneliness and I want to bring this out for the audience and I’m pretty sure a lot of people are wondering right now, well alone and loneliness, is that the same thing? I mean, or is it two different ways of looking at it?:
No, they’re, they’re not the same thing. Okay. I actually am an advocate first. Spending a long time being, being alone is actually really healthy. Giving that time, giving yourself that time to just be and connect with yourself and your thoughts and your desires, um, is so positive and healthy for you know, for you. Um, it really is the ultimate self love and self care.:
Adrian Starks:
Excellent. I agree with you too, Michelle, because I used to think when I was younger that being alone meant that you would and important, you are not worthy and a lot of people think this because we had been taught that you deem yourself esteem on what people may think of you. And that is just the opposite of what we should be doing. So in this busy world, we need to be gathering more time to be alone. And what you’re saying also too, this can help improve our relationships.:
Absolutely. Wow. Because it starts with you, your relationship with yourself. If you’re not comfortable and accepting yourself and feeling good in your own skin and loving yourself now, really learning to love yourself for who you are. All of you. You’re not able to accept and love other people. It starts with you. So the more accepting and understanding and compassionate you are with yourself, it will then transfer on how you are with other people.:
Adrian Starks:
Because at that point you’re not asking or you’re not requesting, you’re not expecting anything from them. What happens with a lot of people, they don’t give themselves love. And so they’re going to other people saying, I want you to make me happy. I want you to make me feel like I’m trustworthy. I want you to make me feel this way. And they’re putting all this responsibility, another person which stresses them out to a certain extent. Yeah.:
Well it’s expectations. Yeah. Right. We go in with an attachment, we go into a relationship with an attachment, a certain expectation of the way we, you know, think this needs to be instead of just being with what is:
Adrian Starks:
Being what is.And I really feel like that is an issue right now with this loneliness being an epidemic and people across the world. And part of this is coming from depression. You know, the unwillingness to understand that being alone is a good thing. Maybe you’ve gotten out of relationships and maybe you’ve lost a friend, a family member or something of that. So we all have our ways of dealing with a situation or grieving through it. However, there is a time where being alone is a good thing for you. And I read this statistic from a World Health Organization, they promulgated that there’s over 300 million people suffering from depression worldwide. 300 million people and of that amount. Yeah,:
it’s a big deal. It’s devastating, really devastating. And we, and I am such a, you know, I just feel so passionate, Adrian, that we really need to wake up to this and you know, really start paying more attention to seeking a solution for this big problem that we have going on in the world.:
I agree. So what can our audience began to do to decrease their feeling of loneliness?:
Well, I highly recommend spending more time with people and having authentic, genuine connection,:
Adrian Starks:
authentic, genuine connections, meaning that so authentic, genuine connection, meaning being with people because of love, right? You’re not being with them because you want them to like you or love you or to accept you, but you’re being with them because of they accept you who you are as you are.:
Exactly. Okay. Spending time with people and enjoying people. You know, not going in with an agenda or a certain expectation. You know, just having people in your life that you’re able to be with and spend time and be your authentic self and express and be free. The more that you can have that in your life, the less lonely or feel.:
Adrian Starks:
So for our audience today, remember that you want authentic and genuine relationships. Just not any relationship. You know, I had someone tell me a while back, well, what happens if you have a childhood friend and you’ve known them forever, but yet they’re not a person that you would really want to associate with because of their lifestyle and how they do things and said, well that’s, that’s your answer right there. They don’t connect with you in a certain way that is in alignment with your value system. Then you need to make the decision of having them in your life or not. Now, it doesn’t mean you have to be mean to them or to be abrupt, but just because they’re a childhood friend. That’s a title!:
Yeah. So it’s, it’s having those boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, and checking in with yourself, being honest with yourself and checking in with yourself. Is this person aligned with my values?:
Adrian Starks:
Yes. I had to do that. I had to really check my value system.:
Yeah. And it’s not just, you know, what the person is talking and saying this, this is my wisdom coming in. Yeah. I’m 49 years old now. So, uh, has given me the experience of life has given me wisdom. And I, you know, my, the younger version of me used to really be, um, naive to just talk. I would, you know, people that were really great at talking and having amazing ideas and just the talk, I would get swooped up in that x saving energy and not take the time to see the person’s actions. Right? Yes. That is it. And, and it was absolutely fine. You know, that was where I was in my younger life and there was a lot of fun and exciting times that came with all of that. And, but my back is maturity. I, you know, I just learned to, to really look at the way people are being and how they’re showing up and it’s not aligned with my values. Right. And because it really is so important. This goes back to your relationship with yourself. Okay. Right. And honoring yourself and loving yourself is you do not compromise you. You do not compromise your values. Then it just puts you out of integrity, which leads to um, feeling anxious and uncommitted, vulnerable, all sorts of things.:
Adrian Starks:
Yeah. Let’s talk about integrity because I believe a lot of people may assume that integrity means walking the straight and narrow and just being this upfront, stern person in what Michelle is saying is what is the absolute truth about integrity? Integrity means you’re being honest with yourself, your value system.:
I love that. Adrian. I, yeah, cause that’s exactly what it is.:
Adrian Starks:
Yeah. And I believe that a lot of people just think the integrity just means sticking to your word and it’s part of that, but most importantly, sticking to what you believe to be true about your value system. Because that is why I feel for many years of my life, Michelle, you know I, I was great at people pleasing. I had a lot of friends went in and out of relationships and now I’m single because I’ve chosen to be because I really understand the power of being alone. But what it has done for me is I have been able to create a value system that allows me to really be around people and share love and not want anything from them. But just being there that’s, I really feel like this is something that’s really necessary in a society that is so disconnected. And Michelle, why do you think our society is so disconnected right now at this point? I mean, if you turn on the news, people are disconnected. If you read the newspaper, people would disconnect. If you go out in public, people are yelling and screaming at each other. It’s so disconnected. Why do you think this is the case?:
Well, there’s a number of reasons, but I, I believe the number, the number one reason is distraction, distractions, distraction. There is so much going on in life. You know, just like I was saying earlier, we have so many choices. There’s just so much information. Like everywhere you go you’re just being bombarded with information which is distracting. So it does take you away from that present state.:
Adrian Starks:
I agree. It does take you away because there are so many distractions come and gone. There’s so much information coming at us. And I think that is leading to also you mentioned earlier about our anxiety of having too many things to choose from. What we can’t really make a decision:
And this leads into the connection app. Um, which is, you know, focused on seven core connection habits. Yes. But the whole vision and idea behind it is to have people practicing these habits, theories so that they are actually learning to not get caught up in all these distractions.:
Adrian Starks:
And I had a chance actually to try out this connection app and I absolutely loved it. I was just thinking to myself like, and for those who are listening today, go to the APP store, type in the connection APP, get that APP downloaded, start to use it. There’s this amazing system they’ve created where you can get points for things that you do and I’m a point person, so I like being, you know, seeing my numbers go up. But it encourages you to really look at yourself from a perspective of did I do my habit today? Because everything is about habits and this is what Michelle is saying, this connection APP that she’s helped to create is going to help you stay focused on what really matters and get away from those distractions that don’t matter.:
It’s making connection happening.:
Adrian Starks:
Connection to habit. Yes, and I love the fact that we’re making connection a habit now because it’s so important in these times of disconnection. And so I want to talk a little bit more about this success that you’re having with this connection APP, Michelle, and out of all the multiple experiences that you’ve had, because you’ve quite an impressive person to me, succeeding in several businesses in this panel for the app that is really beginning to make impact in so many lives across the world. You know, what is the number one thing that you feel has helped you to stay on the path to a successful career in business?:
I believe in myself. Yeah. I think that is how it has definitely been, um, yeah, the most powerful, my belief in myself, however that is then supported by I people in. So I have a very strong connection to myself. Um, I know myself, I trust myself and there have been times in my life that I’ve actually really almost wanted to resist what myself was revealing to me because it meant change. It meant upsetting people, hurting people is the way I perceived it. But I just have always been able to, you know, go to that place of trusting that what I am, what I’m feeling, what I am feeling compelled to do or create is, is for a reason. And I, because of that trust is so strong, that belief, I go with them. Um, you know, it always, it always proves to be you know, proves to me that it was what I needed to do.:
So that is why that trust is there. And then I just, I’ve always been open to open to what shows up. Adrian, I believe in the power of people and I trust that what shows up is showing up for a reason. It doesn’t mean that I always am meant to, um, you know, go with that situation or the group of people or whatever. But it shows up for me to at least, you know, um, look at the situation. There’s some sort of learning there for me. Sometimes I just move on. Sometimes it’s people show up that I’m actually meant to connect with on a really profound level and create with. But I’m always open to that. And then what comes with that is a support system:
Adrian Starks:
Because you were open to trust.:
Absolutely. Yeah. I and I’m, I’m open to it because my belief is still strong in it. You know, I, it just makes it easy for me. I just see that. Um, I think, um, you know, I actually feel very blessed that I am able to see oneness able to see oneness.:
Adrian Starks:
And so the two steps that you mentioned, which are very powerful key steps here for our audience listening today about if you want to stay on the path to where you’re going, because here’s the thing, you’re going to face some road bumps along the way when you’re going toward successful career, even changing your personal life. And the two steps that Michelle mentioned was one, believing in yourself. And I know that many of you have heard this before, but how many of you are actually taking that in and using it, believing in yourself, believing where you are, believing what you can do. And number two is being open to trust. And Oh, this was a hard one for me to do. Being open to trust that whatever comes to you comes to you and you learn to deal with it. Because remember everyone, the same walls that you keep up to protect yourself from things that you think you’re protecting yourself from is the same wall that keeps out opportunity.:
Adrian Starks:
Good people, good things in your life happening. So when you open a trust, yes you will become vulnerable and vulnerability is not a weakness. It is actually a strength and she knows about this and the work that she does in her clients across the world, in her business, the shadow work she does to coaching, she does. You have to be vulnerable and that means not taking things from people that are negative all the time, but just understanding that if you open yourself up to change, mistakes are going to happen, things are going to happen, but you can move through it. And I love the fact that Michelle is here today because we show has really inspired me on so many levels, especially how she’s able to connect with people. And if you haven’t had a chance to meet Michelle in person or even work with her in person, I would highly suggest that you do because she will help you take yourself to a different level when it comes to really opening up that part of you that you have blocked off because there’s always a part of us that we have blocked off from an old story or something that we have.:
Adrian Starks:
And so Michelle is an expert in doing that and she just really is a life, a life beam. When you see Michelle and you’re around her, you just feel like, wow, there’s so much more in life that I’m missing out on and Michelle can really take you there. So thank you.:
You’re very welcome.:
Adrian Starks:
And Michelle, for our audience today, how can they reach out to you or find out more about you?:
Two ways that you can reach out to me. Um, I do have a website, Michelle
But I can also be reached through the connection APP, which is the connection
Adrian Starks:
Excellent. It’s you can reach to her through her website as well too and get that connection App, ladies and gentlemen, and go to the APP store, type in the word thconnection app download it and began to take yourself to another level of connecting and to also share it with friends too as well and find ways that you all can connect in a more positive and uplifting level. I want to thank you so much for being on this show today and it has been an absolute pleasure to have you here.:
Oh my pleasure to be here, Adrian. Well thank you.:
Adrian Starks:
And we have one courageous creator question that we ask all our amazing guests on this show and this question today for you is what does the world need more of?:
Adrian Starks:
Yes, I agree. The world needs more love.:
and I really like the way you brought up being vulnerable and that to be vulnerable actually is courageous.:
Adrian Starks:
It certainly is. And to love is to be courageous because there’s so many of us that we say, well, I want love and I need love and I don’t have love. But what we don’t realize is that this law of compensation that we all, we cannot evade this give and you shall receive at some point, but you give out of kindness out of love first because you can because love is the most powerful force that moves this planet. I’ve learned this and I feel like the more free, yeah, and the more that we can connect with ourselves, as Michelle has mentioned today, throughout our episode of connecting with others, through the process of connecting with ourselves, that is where love begins to take place. You know, love is not this thing when someone just says, I love you. That is a concept that many people in society believe.:
Adrian Starks:
Love is an action. It’s a verb. It’s a movement. And if you don’t act on love, then you’re not going to be able to receive that because the world gives you just back what you give out. So Michelle, I love the answer on the world needs more love and I certainly agree with you and we love the fact that you have been here on this show today. Michelle, thank you again.
Oh, you’re welcome.:
Adrian Starks:
All right, well to our audience here, remember this today, connect more with yourselves, connect more with the people in your life, genuine, authentic relationships as Michelle has mentioned, and to get that connection APP. But until then, I encourage you all to bring more love into your life and to believe in that champion you and to be that courageous creator in your life.:
Adrian Starks:
This is the purposeful life show on the champion up podcast with myself Adrian Starks and thank you for listening. If you’ve enjoyed our podcast today, don’t forget to give us that five star rating and subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out on the powerful life changing content on in future episodes. Also make sure to go to champion for even more life changing content. Until then, I encourage you to be the courageous creator in your life.
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